Sunday, March 8, 2015


Are you tired of those pesky ninjas hiding in your house and throwing wild parties as soon as you leave, or even go to the bathroom? Well download this game and you can strike enough fear into their ninja hearts and they'll run, crying for their mommies.

....either that or it'll just annoy them until they leave you alone. One or the other. Either way you get rid of your ninja problem!

The game that I speak of is One Finger Death Punch, not to be confused with Five Finger Death Punch. One is a metal band and the other is a rockin' game!

For five dollars on steam you can get perhaps one of the most fun game I have ever played as of right now. It is the best stress reliever! And I haven't even really touched that much of the campaign yet. I've mainly been playing survival but it is so fun!

Pretty much you're a stick man fighting other stick men, and you use the left and right mouse buttons to attach in one direction or the other. You can also pick up enemy weapons which will extend your attack range a little. And the finally surprise is there are "Brawlers" which when you attack, you're given a pattern on-screen to follow with the mouse buttons which reminds me of guitar hero.

Playing this game is by far one of the best times I've had playing a video game. So if you have five dollars to spare, I would completely recommend going and checking this out! Now excuse me, I gotta go back to beating up two-dimensional figures.

This has been another Mythical Review, thanks for reading and I'll see you next time! Peace out!

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