Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Monday update but late (again)

Hey guys. I know I promised you more posts but I'm not sure how well I'm gonna be able to deliver on that promise. It's not that I don't want to, it's that I didn't realize how busy these last few weeks of the semester were gonna have me but on the bright side I only have a week left so then I'll be back in full force! Now onto what I should have done yesterday but I was too busy designing a house to do.

The past two weeks (since the first one was a fluke due to the fact I didn't update the question) there was a vote between mutants and cyborgs going on. Well mutants ended up grabbing the victory and making it into the finals! Woohoo for mutants!

Now for the final round I decided to make this round officially be two weeks of voting because I'm also figuring that when I start posting a lot more next week that maybe it'll draw some more attention here and therefore increase the number of votes as well so voting for the next round will last until May 11th. And the entities that you will be voting for (if you don't remember) are Ninjas and Mutants!

So get voting while I get to working on these papers for class and I promise I'll see you real soon!

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