Saturday, February 21, 2015

And so it begins..

I've never really been one to put myself out there....but I guess now's as good a time as any! I'm going to need to if I'm gonna do what I plan on doing..


HI EVERYBODY! I'm MythOfAchilles but if it's easier to remember you can call me Will. This is where my story begins. Writing a blog in the attempt to become sociable. Sounds fascinating I know! I can tell you're sitting there completely riveted by my absolute nonsense of rambling.'re not? Well I'm sorry I'm not that entertaining yet!! I'll get there!! Jeez..everyone's so harsh nowadays.

Anywhoodles (pronounced "Any" + "Who" + the ending of "Noodles") as I was saying this is where my story begins. Up until recently I had no idea what I really wanted to do. Sure I know I want to make stuff but how specific is that really? You can make lots of stuff. You can make games, or make robots, or make food, or make love...point is I had no clue what I wanted to make. But now I think I know what it is and to explain it I'll need to back up to before the beginning of this story.


Sorry, it wasn't in the budget to put in an actual animation, or even a real flashback so I'll just talk some more. YouTube is a great place for people who want to make stuff. I mean the name for people who post to YouTube is "Creators," it doesn't get better than that for me. But for as much as I wanna make stuff, I'm lazy. I've tried joining the YouTube scene before. I failed. I tried making a comedy channel called "The Nameless Show," but that's a story for another time. Point is, that show was scripted (or should have been) and I didn't have the time or patience to do that properly. Now to how this leads the the beginning of this story.

I still believe that YouTube is where I belong. But keeping in mind that a scripted show is not for me, and I'm no good at free style rants, I've decided to join another sector of the YouTube universe, gamers. I'm already into online gaming and I'm very silly, ask anyone that knows me, so I feel gaming on YouTube would work well for my creative spirit.

I don't ever actually believe that I'll be paid to making gaming videos on YouTube and that's not my end goal either. My goal is to have fun, that's it. I just want to have fun being my silly self and making something for others to enjoy. Well hopefully enjoy. My secondary goal is to have anyone who stumbles across my videos to enjoy them and maybe even giggle once or twice. I want to have fun and let other people have fun too. That's all. I'm not some Greedy McGreedypants! Gosh I felt the judgement all the way through my keyboard!

But I digress...

To sum up this post for anyone who happens to skip the bulk of this, hi I'm MythOfAchilles and I'm looking to start a gaming YouTube channel but just for fun. But due to financial stuffs it'll be awhile before I get a proper gaming setup so it may be awhile before it starts and in the mean time I'll be running this blog to work on my social skills. Yeah I think that about sums it up.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon.

P.S. I swear it'll get better than this garbage!

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