I'm a game blogger. I'm not quite sure what that means but I'm figuring it out, give me time. I will get better at this. Also I have a YouTube channel as well. I dunno, it could be fun. Join the party!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Robocraft Review
...who knows..
Anywho today I reviewed a game right off of Steam's "Free to Play" list, because you know...I'm a cheapskate.. The name of this game is, as you've probably guessed by now, Robocraft.
It might sound like a cheap ripoff of Minecraft with robots but it actually isn't. Going into the game I totally expected it to be just like Minecraft just because of the name but I have to admit, I was blown away. The were only slight similarities to Minecraft, and even those were most likely coincidence and/or completely necessary.
Robocraft is a game about building robots and then playing games of capture the base with them, while also blowing up other people's robots. The only feature similar to Minecraft is that when you're building your robot, you use blocks, called "cubes" in game to build them. But that seems kind of necessary to the game so I believe it is not ripping off Minecraft.
The game play is superb, with barely any lag on the server end of playing and my computer was actually able to handle running everything really well with only 4GB of RAM.
My only complaint is the tutorial system. Actually, more like the lack of one. Upon entering the game I didn't receive any tutorial messages and was mostly left to figure out how to do everything on my own. I think the game gave me some minor tips here or there but overall the tutorial system could use a serious remake.
I lied. I have another complaint actually. But you'll need some game knowledge for it so here we go. Robots are graded on their quality and placed into tiers. It is a confusing system sometimes but once you realize how it works it becomes easier. But that's not my complaint. My complaint is that to unlock higher quality items for your robot, which in turn would help it rise through the tiers, you use what's called "Tech Points." It seems simple enough. But it isn't. Tech Points have Tiers themselves and to unlock higher Tier items you need to gain higher Tier Tech Points. And you only get Tech Points that are of the Tier that your robot is. I find it confusing and too difficult. You may not and if not then good for you. I'm obviously not as smart as you.
Other than those two things this is a very fun game. I don't really have a scale to put it on, so let me put it this way, if my friend was looking for some way to spend his night and he had nothing to do at all, I would recommend this game to him as of right now. So maybe it's worth your time to go check out.
This has been another Mythical Review, thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!
Friday, February 27, 2015
...Sorry..don't hate me please...
Until next time, thanks for not hating me!! *Thumbs up for you*
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Gaming Forum
So in looking for the cheapest answer to my lack of gaming computer In have joined an online gaming community forum called Revolution of Gaming.
That's about it for this post. My well of creativity has pretty much dried up for today. I don't even have a game to review. Don't be mad at me please...
I said please...
Sorry! Geez. I'll hopefully be better tomorrow.
Well thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Shadow in the shadows
I'm taking your silence as a yes so here it is....I like card games.
Hey! You promised not to make fun of me!! Yes, laughing at me playing card games counts as making fun of me!
Now that you're done laughing, I hope, I can continue.
I'm not one of those people that plays Magic or is completely obsessed by the game I play but I do dabble in a few card games. The main one being Shadow Era. It is a trading card game, but it is free to play online and if you're patient, unlike me, you won't have to spend any money to play it. It's easy to learn and there actually is a lot of strategy behind every single game of Shadow Era you play.
As with many games, there is an online community and this community is one of the best gaming communities I have ever seen. So if you do join Shadow Era, you'll have an amazing community to help you learn it even faster than learning on your own.
The only negative thing I have to say about this game is that, at least in my experience, it takes an obscenely long time for them to release an expansion pack for the game. But I've heard that after this next expansion that they'll will be releasing new content at a faster pace.
So once again this have been a Mythical game review, thanks for reading and I will see you next time!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
I'm gonna need help. Comment please!!
......ok thanks! :)
Once again, thanks for reading and I'll see you again real soon.
Finally, a game.
The game we're talking about this time is called "Gentlemen Dispute."
Just a heads up, this picture may be a little edited.
Anyway I downloaded this game and decided to play it with my little brother. THIS GAME NEEDS TWO PLAYERS. It doesn't even have a single player option. But what it lacks in the necessity of having social interaction, it makes up for in being a rip roaring good time all around. As we played we felt it was a rule that our usual trash talk had to be done in an old London accent and instead of our usual insults we used stereotypical British insults. It just added to the game.
Another area this game was sorely lacking in was control. The game handled just fine, but the layout itself is a bit awkward. If you don't have game controllers to plug in to your computer then player one has to use a,d, and b to move around and v to attack and player two has to use the left and right arrows and p to move around and o to attack. It just feels awkward to play.
Other than that this game leads to a simply smashing time! Puns abound and good times all around.
Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading! I'll see you next time!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Refocusing...on day three
You turned around, didn't you?
HAH! You so did! I fooled you! ..I hope..that would be pretty awkward if there actually was a monster waiting to grab you. If there was a monster there then I'm sorry!
Anywhoodles, I realized that if I want this to be any good I should probably focus, like I wanted to at the beginning. I just happened to get distracted and brought my own personal, non-gaming life into the mix. I'll just start another blog to rant on so that you all can ignore my ranting in peace! If you're interested in me as a person then here is that blog. mylifeasmyth.blogspot.com
You're welcome.
From now on, this blog is to be about gaming, and my progress towards actually starting my account on YouTube.
..also possibly my career as a professional unicorn. Not sure yet.
Have a monster free day and thanks for reading! I'll see you next time!!
Perks of being financially handicapped.
Had I unlimited funds, I would have gone and bought myself an Alienwa....Am I allowed to use brand names here? I dunno so to be safe, I would have bought a hergendurg computer immediately because they were the ones I had heard about so I figured they were the best. Low and behold I found computers by this great company called Asu....I mean flingerderger that work just as well, and if not better. They're also a lot cheaper.
Being poor saved me money! It might save me more!
...That's a weird thought...I gotta think on this..
Well thanks for reading..again...until next time, eat your school, do your vegetables, and stay in drugs! Peace!
One day...what!?!
...I'll sleep on it...or not! I guess it's okay cause I mean Almost everything that went badly today is a temporary problem so I won't have to deal with it.
Rant over, you can go back to your previous state of ignoring me now!
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you again soon!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Why is it Day One?
Computers use great logics, yes they use logics as opposed to logic. Computers need all the logics. And one of those logics makes computers count starting at zero rather than one. Now, I'm not a cyborg, yet though that would be awesome, so I'm not part computer. However I do dabble in computer programming.
Come on, we were all thinking it. Hell, even I'm not above calling myself a nerd about that. Anyway because of this I now count beginning at zero. Just a fun fact. Thought some people might care..if not feel free to yell at me about how I'm wasting your time....I'm sorry I did that!
Until next time, thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
Day One of MoA
Recently my car broke down. The brake lines rusted through and for anyone who barely knows how cars work, the brake lines are what make your brakes work. And brakes are kind of important for driving. So today I had my friend come by and fix my brake lines and I helped him when I could and kept him company when I couldn't. Now I'm freezing. But it's my own damn fault.
Anywho, I have a car again now, and I'll have at least a few hours free tomorrow so I'll work more towards making MoA a bit more of an actual thing on the interwebs. Until then thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
And so it begins..
I've never really been one to put myself out there....but I guess now's as good a time as any! I'm going to need to if I'm gonna do what I plan on doing..
HI EVERYBODY! I'm MythOfAchilles but if it's easier to remember you can call me Will. This is where my story begins. Writing a blog in the attempt to become sociable. Sounds fascinating I know! I can tell you're sitting there completely riveted by my absolute nonsense of rambling. ...you're not? Well I'm sorry I'm not that entertaining yet!! I'll get there!! Jeez..everyone's so harsh nowadays.
Anywhoodles (pronounced "Any" + "Who" + the ending of "Noodles") as I was saying this is where my story begins. Up until recently I had no idea what I really wanted to do. Sure I know I want to make stuff but how specific is that really? You can make lots of stuff. You can make games, or make robots, or make food, or make love...point is I had no clue what I wanted to make. But now I think I know what it is and to explain it I'll need to back up to before the beginning of this story.
Sorry, it wasn't in the budget to put in an actual animation, or even a real flashback so I'll just talk some more. YouTube is a great place for people who want to make stuff. I mean the name for people who post to YouTube is "Creators," it doesn't get better than that for me. But for as much as I wanna make stuff, I'm lazy. I've tried joining the YouTube scene before. I failed. I tried making a comedy channel called "The Nameless Show," but that's a story for another time. Point is, that show was scripted (or should have been) and I didn't have the time or patience to do that properly. Now to how this leads the the beginning of this story.
I still believe that YouTube is where I belong. But keeping in mind that a scripted show is not for me, and I'm no good at free style rants, I've decided to join another sector of the YouTube universe, gamers. I'm already into online gaming and I'm very silly, ask anyone that knows me, so I feel gaming on YouTube would work well for my creative spirit.
I don't ever actually believe that I'll be paid to making gaming videos on YouTube and that's not my end goal either. My goal is to have fun, that's it. I just want to have fun being my silly self and making something for others to enjoy. Well hopefully enjoy. My secondary goal is to have anyone who stumbles across my videos to enjoy them and maybe even giggle once or twice. I want to have fun and let other people have fun too. That's all. I'm not some Greedy McGreedypants! Gosh I felt the judgement all the way through my keyboard!
But I digress...
To sum up this post for anyone who happens to skip the bulk of this, hi I'm MythOfAchilles and I'm looking to start a gaming YouTube channel but just for fun. But due to financial stuffs it'll be awhile before I get a proper gaming setup so it may be awhile before it starts and in the mean time I'll be running this blog to work on my social skills. Yeah I think that about sums it up.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon.
P.S. I swear it'll get better than this garbage!